UGHH!!! I just don't know what to do anymore. Maybe it's because I'm not used to having Alex home 24/7, and he's not used to being bored, but these mental games that my soon-to-be 6 year old has been playing with me have got me fed up! Over the last week, in particular, Alex has been playing games with me, changing his mind about what he wants to eat for lunch and then pitching a fit when he doesn't get his way, lying to me when I ask him a simple question because it might mean that he might actually have to get off his butt and do something, or just plain not listening to me. His sister often acts as partner in crime but not NEARLY as often as he is! Ironically, they are playing relatively well together, with few arguments and cries of "Mommy, Alex did (fill in the blank) to me". So I guess I should be happy about that. But what to do about my little/big first grader who is once again, testing his boundaries?!?! Yesterday we went to the grocery store and I let the kids have fun with the "car cart" (it's the grocery cart that has a car in the front for the kids to ride in). Although they weren't fighting, they were being VERY silly and tickling each other. I allowed the tickling to continue until arms, legs and head came flying out from the sides, posing a potential hazard to their limbs as I wheeled through the aisles and passed other carts. I asked, Alex and Emily both nicely to keep their hands to themselves and explained to them why they needed to tone the silliness down. To no avail, they continued. I repeated this several times until I finally had to tell them that we wouldn't be going to Hoffman's Playland this week if they continued (which they did).
Our next stop was Walmart to get school supplies for Alex. He was in good spirits and excited about our trip "for him" at first. But he quickly became disinterested in looking for things on the list and remembered that I had told them we wouldn't be going to Hoffman's this week. Once he got the idea in his head that we wouldn't be going, it was all over! He began to whine and stick his biggest pouty lip out as I was browsing the Kleenex's. Then the tears came. I warned him that if he continued the poor behavior, he'd loose Hoffman's for next week. Fortunately, we were just about done with our shopping.
Today at lunch he changed his mind 3 times about what he wanted to eat. (He ultimately got what he want, thus, I feel as though I gave in and was manipulated)
While bringing laundry upstairs, I noticed a lollipop stick on the carpet, this, after I specifically asked them to put the sticks in the garbage when they were done with their special "treat". I questioned both children and here's how the conversation went:
Beth: "Alex & Emily, do you know who's lollipop stick is on the carpet upstairs?"
Alex: "It's Emily's"
Beth: "Emily, is that your lollipop stick?"
Emily: "No, I put mine in the garbage"
Beth: "Oh really? Which garbage?"
Emily: "In my bedroom"
Beth: "Alex, did you throw yours out?"
Alex: "Yeah"
Beth: "Which garbage did you use, tell me the truth?"
Alex: "well, um, mom, it's mine, but you know why I told you it was Emily's? Because I didn't want to get up and throw it away".
So, I try to calmly explain to him that he wasn't going to be in trouble if it was his, that all I wanted him to do was to throw it away.... that lying to me about it was bad and that I'm disappointed in him for lying. I tell him to go upstairs and throw it away, to which he replies (whining) , " but I don't want to, I'm not gonna".
So..... what does a mother do? Do I threaten no ice cream tonight at Jumpin Jacks? Do I take Hoffman's away for next week too? I can't let him manipulate me and speak to me in the tone that he did... but this, all over a silly little lollipop stick on the floor!?!?!
The game continues..... stomping and pouting his way up the stairs, he tells me he's "not gonna throw it away". 5 minutes later he returns to the kitchen and says "I didn't do it". To which, I reply "I'm going to ask you once and if you don't tell me the truth, you won't be eating ice cream tonight; did you throw it away?" He nods his head, yes.
HELP! I know this is normal, I just can't tell if I'm really in control of it or not!