Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First Ultrasound of Baby #3

Today I had my first ultrasound done of baby #3 and it was exciting for us. I was happily surprised when Tim showed up for the appointment, which was not planned since the appointment was in the middle of the day and he had to get out of work for it. We arrived at Seton's Imaging place a little early and the technicians took us back quickly. There was a more experienced technician training another technician so I think we spent a little more time "learning" about the baby (and me) than we normally would have, which was nice. Overall, I'm a pretty happy camper, now that I've seen the baby in there, and saw the little tiny heart fluttering! They said that the baby is measuring on target for what we had predicted my due date to be and that they consider me now at 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Here is a video and picture of our first ultrasound. Enjoy!


Tonya said...

Oh, how exciting for you guys! I am glad things went better for the ultrasound than the appointment. It looks like Emily is definitely ready for her new sibling! Congrats on the good health of the baby!

xmas said...

Oh, she got her hair cut, it looks so cute!

I was in that same (probably) room not too long ago with Jacob and everything...glad things are going well!