Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BPA-free Baby Bottles

After a recent discussion with another mom-friend about nursing and bottle feeding, I've decided to do some light research on BPA-free products and found that there's a few companies that make BPA-free baby bottles.  One that I found, called "Born Free" can be found at BabysR'Us.  Medela is also making a baby bottle that is BPA-free and I just came across a promotion to get a free bottle.  Check out this link:

BPA-Free Bottle

I just registered to get one for free and it said it may take 4-6 weeks for delivery, but all I had to do was register with their site!  Enjoy the freebie!


Tonya said...

Thanks for the info on the free bottle. I ordered mine well as the toilet training pack from pampers. FYI there is also a free toilet training DVD from pull-ups at

xmas said...

Hey that was me! I just headed over there to order one...I'm sure I will gets lots more junk mail now, but oh well.